If you are in a place, #2: Brené Brown on Blame

Brené Brown on Blame - YouTube

Brené Brown on Blame

If you are in a place, watch this short animated video in which Brené Brown (author of Rising Strong) talks about our tendency to place blame on others when something is out of our control.

Brown never fails to blow my mind with how she’s able to pinpoint truths about the human condition and the importance of empathy (if you have an extra six hours in your life, her talk “The Power of Vulnerability” is also the business).

This video, in particular, felt like a direct call-out to me. I used to do this a lot with my mother, who I held a lot of resentment towards for about the first 30 years of my life. And that resentment often materialized when small things would happen, and she was around (stub my toe on the leg of chair; surely that’s Madre’s fault somehow).

These three minutes helped me understand where that instinct came from and why it was so important to stop.